Why Must the First Cause Still Be With Us Today?
by Strange Notions
Filed under The Existence of God
NOTE: Today we continue an occasional series of exchanges between Catholic theologian Dr. Michael Augros, author of Who Designed the Designer?: A Rediscovered Path to God's Existence (Ignatius Press, 2015), and various email interlocutors. Today's exchange follows up on last week's, so be sure to read those two posts first. We'll share the second email question today and Friday we'll share Dr. Augros' response. Enjoy!
Hello Dr. Augros,
Thank you for the time and effort you put in for your lengthy response. I have read it many times and, while I still don't completely understand all your arguments, at least I can take it on faith where I don't understand.
The greatest thing that I can't figure out is why the first cause, which you say is God, still has to be with us today. I get your point that we should not be looking at God as a first cause through time, like creating the Big Bang, but should instead be looking at simultaneous present causes for which only one cause is not dependent on any other.
Still, in your analogy of your will moving your brain, moving your hand, moving your paint brush, wouldn't the first cause there be your will rather than God?
If God is to be recognized as the first cause of all things, haven't you provided an example that disproves that theory?
Could you provide some further insight as to how God is the first cause of all things presently being caused today?
Thank you.
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