9 Things Salon.com Gets Wrong About Jesus
by Jon Sorensen
Filed under Jesus
Salon.com recently published an article by former Evangelical-turned-freethinker Valerie Tarico titled "9 things you think you know about Jesus that are probably wrong". There’s nothing particularly groundbreaking contained in her arguments, but they’ve been making the rounds in social media, and therefore worthy of a response. Below I respond to each of her major points. 1. Jesus was married, not single. This tired old claim has seemingly been refuted more times than the earth... Read More
Popular News Site Claims Jesus Never Existed
by Jon Sorensen
Filed under Historicity
An article titled "5 Reasons to Suspect that Jesus Never Existed" was posted last week at Salon.com and was featured in the Yahoo news feed. The article itself does not contain anything groundbreaking to anyone who follows this debate, but it presents the most common objections. Below are five reasons author Valerie Tarico gives, and how to answer them. 1. No first century secular evidence whatsoever exists to support the actuality of Yeshua ben Yosef. Tarico uses only an extensive... Read More