• Strange Notions Strange Notions Strange Notions
Megan Hodder


Megan Hodder is a Catholic writer and a recent convert from atheism. Her main interests are bioethics and the Theology of the Body and her blog can be found at Whistling Sentinel.


The Atheist Orthodoxy that Drove Me to Faith

Beware of Dogma

Last Easter, when I was just beginning to explore the possibility that, despite what I had previously believed and been brought up to believe, there might be something to the Catholic faith, I read Letters to a Young Catholic by George Weigel. One passage in particular struck me. Talking of the New Testament miracles and the meaning of faith, Weigel writes: “In the Catholic view of things, walking on water is an entirely sensible thing to do. It’s staying in the boat, hanging tightly to our... Read More