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Bob Seidensticker


Bob Seidensticker is a Seattle blogger who explores intellectual arguments in favor of Christianity (Christian apologetics) from an atheist perspective, and critiques Christianity’s actions in society. His first book, published in 2011, is a novel titled Cross Examined: An Unconventional Spiritual Journey. Follow Bob's Cross Examined blog through the Patheos Atheist Channel or connect with him through Twitter at @CrossExamined.


10 Reasons to Just Say Nay to the Naysayer Hypothesis

Jesus Appearance

EDITOR'S NOTE: Today we share our first atheist guest post. It's from Bob Seidensticker who writes for the Patheos Atheist Channel at Cross Examined. Be sure to read Fr. Dwight Longenecker's reply: No Naysayers at NASA: Responding to Bob Seidensticker.   Apologists tell us that the gospels were written at a time when many disciples—the eyewitnesses—were still alive. If they heard an inaccurate story, they’d say, “I was there, and that’s not the way it happened!” They’d shut it... Read More