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How to Argue Well: An Interview with Matt Fradd (Video)

Filed under Interviews

Matt Fradd

One of the more popular memes floating around the Internet features a young man wearing a t-shirt that reads: "I'm an atheist. Debate me."

We all know the type, which also includes not a few Catholics. The Internet is a breeding ground for fiery debate and argument, as anyone with a Facebook page and a religious or political opinion knows well. Behind the safety of a screen people just love to go back-and-forth on the big question of life. But unfortunately, most of the time these arguments devolve into unproductive screeds, complete with name-calling, poor reasoning, and INSULTS IN ALL-CAPS.

How to Win an ArgumentSo in this digital age, how can we argue better? That's the question Matt Fradd answers in his new DVD talk, "How to Win an Argument Without Losing a Soul". With his characteristic wit and clarity—and an enviable Australian accent—he explains why arguing is good and teaches how to do it well.

Matt covers many of the most popular fallacies and explains how to spot them in others' arguments (and your own!). He shows how to infuse discussions with charity, humility, and patience. And he offers plenty of tips on encouraging fruitful dialogue instead of the empty, rhetorical death-matches many of us are used to.

Matt recently sat down with me to discuss some of the major themes in his DVD, including what makes for a strong argument, the most common fallacies today, and the benefits and drawbacks of arguing online.


Watch or download our interview below:



Watch the video here (19 minutes)


Download the interview here (19 minutes)

Topics Discussed:

1:08 - What is an argument and why is it valuable?
2:54 - What makes for a strong argument?
5:52 - What inviolable rules ground all fruitful dialogue?
8:08 - What is a fallacy and which are the most common today?
13:36 - What are the benefits and drawbacks of arguing online?
15:59 - How can Catholics and atheists at StrangeNotions.com argue better?
Matt Fradd

Follow Matt's blog at MattFradd.com and find him on Twitter at @MattFradd. And be sure to pick up your copy of his new DVD, "How to Win an Argument Without Losing a Soul".

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Brandon Vogt

Written by

Brandon Vogt is a bestselling author and the founder of StrangeNotions.com. Brandon has been featured by several media outlets including NPR, CBS, FoxNews, SiriusXM, and EWTN. He converted to Catholicism in 2008, and since then has released ten books, including The Church and New Media (Our Sunday Visitor, 2011), Saints and Social Justice (Our Sunday Visitor, 2014), and Why I Am Catholic (And You Should Be Too) (Ave Maria Press, 2017). He works as the Senior Publishing Director for Bishop Robert Barron's Word on Fire Catholic Ministries. Brandon lives with his wife, Kathleen, and their seven children in Central Florida. Follow him at BrandonVogt.com.

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